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New forums feature: Icons on discussion topics


We've heard from our seller community that you want to be able to find discussions with solutions, or where Amazon has replied.

“Some of these users have helped a lot of people and have offered a lot of solutions, and that should be recognized.”

We are pleased to introduce icons on discussion topics!

Now, anywhere a discussion topic is shown, you’ll see an icon to indicate the type of response or status of the post. For example:

Amazon replied to a discussion


Most helpful reply chosen in a discussion


Locked discussions


Need to dig a little deeper? You can also use quick filters in the discussion search to find most helpful replies, Amazon replies, and your discussion topics.

Have you noticed the icons yet? Are they helpful as you scan discussions?

47 visualizações
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Tags:Comentários para a Amazon, Dicas rápidas
user profile

New forums feature: Icons on discussion topics


We've heard from our seller community that you want to be able to find discussions with solutions, or where Amazon has replied.

“Some of these users have helped a lot of people and have offered a lot of solutions, and that should be recognized.”

We are pleased to introduce icons on discussion topics!

Now, anywhere a discussion topic is shown, you’ll see an icon to indicate the type of response or status of the post. For example:

Amazon replied to a discussion


Most helpful reply chosen in a discussion


Locked discussions


Need to dig a little deeper? You can also use quick filters in the discussion search to find most helpful replies, Amazon replies, and your discussion topics.

Have you noticed the icons yet? Are they helpful as you scan discussions?

Tags:Comentários para a Amazon, Dicas rápidas
47 visualizações
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New forums feature: Icons on discussion topics


We've heard from our seller community that you want to be able to find discussions with solutions, or where Amazon has replied.

“Some of these users have helped a lot of people and have offered a lot of solutions, and that should be recognized.”

We are pleased to introduce icons on discussion topics!

Now, anywhere a discussion topic is shown, you’ll see an icon to indicate the type of response or status of the post. For example:

Amazon replied to a discussion


Most helpful reply chosen in a discussion


Locked discussions


Need to dig a little deeper? You can also use quick filters in the discussion search to find most helpful replies, Amazon replies, and your discussion topics.

Have you noticed the icons yet? Are they helpful as you scan discussions?

47 visualizações
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Tags:Comentários para a Amazon, Dicas rápidas
user profile

New forums feature: Icons on discussion topics


We've heard from our seller community that you want to be able to find discussions with solutions, or where Amazon has replied.

“Some of these users have helped a lot of people and have offered a lot of solutions, and that should be recognized.”

We are pleased to introduce icons on discussion topics!

Now, anywhere a discussion topic is shown, you’ll see an icon to indicate the type of response or status of the post. For example:

Amazon replied to a discussion


Most helpful reply chosen in a discussion


Locked discussions


Need to dig a little deeper? You can also use quick filters in the discussion search to find most helpful replies, Amazon replies, and your discussion topics.

Have you noticed the icons yet? Are they helpful as you scan discussions?

Tags:Comentários para a Amazon, Dicas rápidas
47 visualizações
0 resposta
user profile

New forums feature: Icons on discussion topics

de Tiff_Amazon


We've heard from our seller community that you want to be able to find discussions with solutions, or where Amazon has replied.

“Some of these users have helped a lot of people and have offered a lot of solutions, and that should be recognized.”

We are pleased to introduce icons on discussion topics!

Now, anywhere a discussion topic is shown, you’ll see an icon to indicate the type of response or status of the post. For example:

Amazon replied to a discussion


Most helpful reply chosen in a discussion


Locked discussions


Need to dig a little deeper? You can also use quick filters in the discussion search to find most helpful replies, Amazon replies, and your discussion topics.

Have you noticed the icons yet? Are they helpful as you scan discussions?

Tags:Comentários para a Amazon, Dicas rápidas
47 visualizações
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